Tuesday 22 October 2013

Oracle Business Intelligence enterprise edition architecture Online

Oracle Business Intelligence is a comprehensive business intelligence platform that delivers a full range of capabilities including interactive dashboards, ad-hoc queries, notifications and alerts, enterprise and financial reporting, scorecard and strategy management, business process invocation, search and collaboration, mobile, integrated systems management and much more.  OBIEE is a comprehensive suite of business intelligence products for the enterprise delivering an entire range of capabilities of analysis and reporting. Oracle Business Intelligence enterprise edition delivers results that are highly scalable and unified with a modern architecture.
When you learn Oracle Business Intelligence enterpriseedition architecture online you will get the knowledge to perform the basic functions that will allow you to use Oracle Business Intelligence enterprise edition 11g effectively. This course provides relevant and useful insight not just to the users but to others as well.

Oracle Business Intelligence enterprise edition course helps users access information through enterprise resource planning (ERP), workspaces, mobile devices, interactive dashboards on the web, customer relationship management (CRM) applications, workspaces, Microsoft Office applications and search bars. Oracle Business Intelligence enterprise edition 11g provides users with consistent and accurate insight to the data collected. Since the information can be viewed by everyone authorized and not just the users, it helps all the personnel from an organization view this information optimized for their role. Learning online oracle business intelligence course will allow you to take advantage of its powerful and unique features and thus benefit the organization as a whole. 

Monday 7 October 2013

Are Virtual Classrooms Replacing Traditional Teaching Methods?

Some of the best learning experiences we’ve had are in classrooms brainstorming and solving a problem as a group or trying to decipher the underlying meanings of poems. But many of us have had trouble keeping up too. Others have been bored because the rest of the class couldn’t keep up with their progress.
Either way, this method is fine till the elementary level or maybe even college but after a point in our lives our priorities change and with it our preferred method of knowledge acquisition. After graduation or a few years into a career, convenience is key. Everything has to change, be molded around one’s career. Enter, e-Learning.
So to elaborate, learning online helps professionals stay updated with the latest changes and enhancements taking place in their industry without taking any time off their jobs. Most of the e-Learning websites are in sync with their consumers' needs and behavior, thus molding their courses and website according to your needs. So if you are the kind of person who travels a lot, most of these e-learning sites are now available on your mobile handsets. So, elearning on mobile handsets makes it more feasible for people on the move.
Online learning for corporates offers more accountability because the learner can keep a track of his/ her progress. This hands over the control to the lerner thus motivating them to the fullest. The learner can monitor his/ her progress on the basis of different assignments, scores, activities, etc.
Online courses in USA and other countries are interactive thus making for very engaging courses. The use of multimedia to provide videos, animation, quizzes, demonstrations has proven to have more engagement from the learner than the traditional methods of teaching.

As every student, teacher and parent would agree, classrooms are indispensable and so are the real teachers. But at a later point, when life doesn’t revolve around a backpack and school grades, when skills are needed to further one’s career, online learning is the most convenient way to stay updated. Elearning for professionals to stay in the game!

Friday 4 October 2013

Do I Really Need A New Skill?

Oftentimes we are bombarded with a lot of information, be it on the internet or by the water cooler. It’s tough not to get swayed by all the media hype, sometimes even scared into deals or decisions that might not work in our best interest. With every career guru talking about acquiring new skills, the question no one’s asking is, ‘Do I really need a new skill?’
The answer to this million dollar question lies in your level of satisfaction with your current job and designation. Even then, we answer it for free. Here are 4 things one needs to look at to determine the importance of a new skill in your present career.
Have you recently been promoted? Or is there a promotion on the horizon? Scared you’ll fail? Have faith - in yourself and your seniors for trusting you with a new role. What probably is needed is a bit of brushing up with the latest updates in your field. This is easily available everywhere but if you think your new role will require you to be proficient at a new skill, then pick it up instead of just learning it on the job. That way you’ll be less likely to fail.
1.       I FEEL STUCK.
If more than a year has gone by without any incentive from your seniors, maybe it’s a hint. You could be outperforming your colleagues two to one but going beyond a certain pay-grade requires handling tasks that could well be beyond the boundaries of your current skill set. In such a situation, changing jobs will only get you so far. The real solution is to stand up to the changes taking place in your industry and update yourself.
Scientifically speaking, learning makes our brain function better. And wait, there’s actual proof to back this statement. We have believed for the longest time that as we age, the connections in our brain become fixed. Recent research has disproved this theory stating, learning reorganizes and helps form new connections in the brain.
2.       Learning provides other benefits that might be less purported but have a positive impact anyway. For example, one experiences improved self-esteem, self-confidence, decreased boredom when armed with a purpose and a sense of personal growth.

3.       Learning helps improve not just your professional life but your personal one too. It is widely supported by facts and theories. So to answer a simple question, ‘do I need a skill?’, look at your life, career and your 10-year plan and decide whether you need one or not. Most times the answer is ‘YES!’.